
Enterprise Point And 16-18 Melbourne Street Brighton BN2 3LH


Cllr David Gibson

Hanover & Elm Grove


Please can you register and upload my objection to the above major planning application with the following wording:


“I object to the planning application to develop the Enterprise point site for co living. I have spoken with the applicant, with local residents from Shanklin Rd and met with property guardians and audio active projects currently using enterprise point. There is no doubt that enterprise point is in need of development. However other than the welcome payment contribution to affordable housing the proposal does little to alleviate the affordable housing

crisis. The development provides no affordable housing on site and worse it will entail the loss of the truly affordable a living spaces of 40 + property guardians currently living in Enterprise point. It will also involve closing down audio active music projects that currently offer significant support including social value supporting disadvantaged and alienated youngsters. In addition the proposed development seems too dense and will significantly encroach on the light for nearby residents in Shanklin Rd as well as crowding in on the flats in Melbourne St.


Furthermore the co living concept is not tried and tested, and given there are already planning approvals for this kind of development nearby I’d rather see how this turns out before rushing ahead and committing a large prime site to this usage 2 Previous planning approval included the provision of affordable housing on the site and I would like the planning committee only supporting proposals that as a very minimum replace the low rent affordable 40+ guardianship

living spaces with at least the same number of permanent affordable rented units in a way that doesn’t encroach so much on the neighbouring residential buildings. These are some of the concerns that have led me to object and I would welcome the opportunity to address the planning committee in more depth when the application is considered”